November 17, 2005

The International Classroom


I wanted to check in and see how ya'll were doing. I can't believe that we are rounding out seventh week already and our program has yet to get it together. I wanted to openly invite all those interested for a drink at the ___ on Monday following lecture. There is a great bar bellow where we can sit and chat, gripe and drink. Shoot me an email or just show up. It's not a formal thng. I love a snake bite after lecture so anyone interested form all programs please feel free to show up.

Have a great weekend.



Domesticated Bachelor said...

GAWK!! You studying with all those people?

Anonymous said...

Huh! That's nothing. I work for international companies - mostly - and I wish I could show you some of the international emails that emanated from international employees of one of those international companies.....but for reasons of international etiquette and international egos, I can't.